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Thursday, June 23, 2016


Who am I? When someone knows my mental health issue, for the person, am I just equal to a bipolar disorder patient? We always yearn other people may see us as a normal person but do we at the same time hope that other people may excuse us for our mental health issue? If other people do excuse us for our mental health issue, then can the person see us as a normal person anymore? 

No, once other people know our mental health issue, they may never see us as a normal person. Of course it's much better that the person to excuse us for our mental health issue, otherwise we might have to keep apologising for all the things that we might do due to our mental health issue. That's the main reason I'll surely let my close friends know about my mental health condition so that they may not get shocked for the harsh things that I might say or the crazy things that I might do. The cruel fact is, no one will see us as a normal person. So what? What's so good to be normal? If we can be outstanding, if we can achieve better and higher, what's the point to be ordinary? 

Another cruel point, we must take medication at all cost. If we want to have a healthy and routine lifestyle as others, we must take medication whatsoever. We may have thousands of reasons for not taking it but the one and only reason is enough for us to take it: the medication does help to keep your mood in a certain range. The reason is good enough to stand against all the other thousands of reasonable and brilliant reasons. When we see, we see more; when we listen, we listen more; when we feel, we feel more. Once we can have a more stabilise mood due to medication, there is almost nothing which we may not achieve.  

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