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Friday, May 27, 2022







Thursday, May 26, 2022


Do I care that no one reading my blog? Do I care maybe I have to stay single for the rest of my life? Do I care whether I could be part of the society? Yes, I did care much for all these. How about now? Still a bit care about these but not so much anymore. 

What's the root cause for this change? Getting more matured? Perhaps. By being much elder each day, there would be more responsibilities on our shoulders. If we have to care so much, then it would impossible for us to move on.  How we see ourselves is always more important than how others see us. Of course, we should listen to people, but obviously not everyone, especially never listen to those who never care about you. 

Please do value all the advice from those who love and care about you. Try our best to be a better people according to their standard. At the same time, please do remember to voice up your opinions and thoughts. No one could read our minds. Thus, never expect people to understand us without saying a word. It sounds tough but actually it can be pretty simple. 

We do not need to mention about our mental illness condition again and again. We do not have to explain all the ups and downs inside us numerous times. And also, please never expect people to understand what is bipolar disorder. For our conversation, simply say something like, "I feel tired today for all these assignments." or "This song is gorgeous, do you like it too?" 

Surely, if someone who wants to know about your mental health condition, just share with him or her freely. However, please do stop and monitor people's face expression from time to time. When there are more and more question marks on people's face, then it's time for you to stop and smile.