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Wednesday, July 28, 2021



“记得寻求帮助。” 有位恩师给予我的良言。当我们被某些事物困扰,尽了最大的脑力和体力都无法解决时,记得向他人寻求帮助。有很多时候,他人都可以帮助我们,至少我们知道有人关心自己的问题,我们并非孤单一人面对问题。这里指的是,自己无论怎么绞尽脑汁都无法处理的事物,不是一般自己就可处理好的琐事。




Monday, July 26, 2021


During this long lasting lockdown at my place, the suicidal rate increases tremendously. We are in a tunnel which there is no clue when would we see the light. While reading newspaper, most of the news are bad and depressing. 

Those who committed suicide, most of them were considered okay in the view of the people. How about those who are mentally ill? Obviously, it's tough for us. For example, I love traveling around and go swimming. At this moment, I cannot go traveling, and cannot go for swimming. Being trapped under such a circumstance and there's no way out. 

Thankfully, I could still run around my house every single morning. Besides medication, exercise is a great medicine for mentally ill people. While I was studying in the UK, a therapist advised me to run every day. I was wondering, how to run every day? That time, running twice a week was more than enough. And now, running daily really could keep me going. 

I run really slowly every day. Not about the end result nor distance, but the experience of running for a long time, not thinking about anything, not worrying about the present and future. Just a simple hope, the hope about a good future for everyone, that the pandemic would cease as soon as possible. 

While sleeping at night, the deep sorrow feelings might be too heavy to bear. Hence, I just think that, tomorrow early morning, I would be running around. After a while, I would fall asleep gradually.