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Monday, September 7, 2015

"7th September 2015"

Need to slow down, taking one step at a time to share with you my stories. Other people advise us not to emphasise on our illness, moreover no one knows our mental health problem if we never say a word about it. Personally, from my point of view, it's true that we should not simply tell anyone about my illness but we should be alert about our illness by ourselves.

Let me get back to my point for today, slow down and take one step at a time. When we are in manic state, we will have racing thoughts and wanna do everything in full speed. Please do remember to slow down. In contrast, when we are in depressed state, we feel fatigue and we are unwilling to move even a step. At this moment, please do remember to take one step at a time. And then, when we are in mixed state, we feel so irritated but no energy at the same time. What to do? Slow down and take one step at a time.

People might say, it's really very easy for anyone to give advice. Anyway, I will not write anything that does not work on me. It's a fact that I'm not an expert in bipolar disorder field. I have spent a long time in reading lots of information about it and trying different kinds of ways to survive. If a method does not work on me, I will not share it. However, please bear in mind that what works on me, it does not mean that it might work on you. I just want to tell you that, hey, this method works on me, do you wanna try it?

Never stop taking your medication, trust someone who cares about you, slow down and take one step at a time. All these are just my general ideas that help me to walk out from the mess. It does seem very simple but it is awfully tough to follow. When you keep taking your medication, you accept you have this mental health issue. By trusting someone, you open your heart to the outside world and stop isolating yourself. After that, slow down and take one step at a time, you are on your journey to get back your life.

No rush, my dear friend, I am moving slowly too. Don't ever lose hope and keep on moving.

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