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Thursday, February 6, 2020


After a long holiday for Chinese New Year, I have to return to my routine life again. Of course I don't dare to be a driver for my family members, driving here and there for long hours. During the celebration, I got to bed a bit later than normal and awake a bit later than normal as well. After that, I have to force myself back to the routine sleeping time again.

Due to my mental illness issue, the job responsibilities arranged by my manager are quite simple and light. In another way, I can say that my job is quite bored. Anyhow I understood this should be the best arrangement, and I need to have a stable career to survive. I'll give quite a huge amount of money to my parents, and my father will keep a portion and save the money for me, and the rest of it is my responsible to support my family's financial status.

Yes, mental illness people are necessary to bear our own responsibilities. It doesn't mean we may escape from all the responsibilities once we have a mental illness. Without all these responsibilities, we will definitely lose one of the great reasons to live. It's really satisfying that you may able to work and also the ability to support your own family.

I can't deny that my job is bored. I also cannot deny that my stable life after medication is also bored. Realise that get used to a boring life is a sign of maturity. When getting elder and elder, I yearn to be a real man.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020




