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Friday, November 4, 2022


No post for September and October, but there is a post for November eventually. No doubt, a routine lifestyle is terribly boring, and I admit it wholeheartedly, especially working a routine job. However, we need to have a job. A job for us to support ourselves. 

As most of the bipolar disorder people, we cannot handle high stress jobs. Thus, I'm working as a humble low level engineer, taking care for some systems in a company. It's really a suitable job for me because I do not have to deal frequently with people but machines only. Of course, I cannot avoid myself to deal with difficult customers from time to time.  

For my own experience, we should keep our bipolar identity as long as possible. If possible, it's much better that I never tell anyone about it. The main reason should be, once people know about our mental problems, they will look at us differently. The key word should be 'bias'. People should see us as how we truly are without labelling us as "bipolar people" right at the beginning.

Working as an engineer is also quite stressful when all the systems go crazy. The customers could be quite demanding in asking me to solve all the problems as soon as possible. When the stress level explores, I will get into unnecessary quarrels with the customers. Of course,  I always try to avoid quarrels the best I could. 

There was once I broke into a quarrel with a customer, and then I had to tell the customer frankly about my mental problems. Since then, I have no quarrel with the customer anymore. Fortunately, he understands my problems, and stops pushing me so hard since that day.


Tuesday, August 30, 2022







After 40 years old, getting a girlfriend or even a wife becomes merely impossible. Although there are quite a number of guys marry after 40 years old, but it's really rare for guys with mental health issues. My parents still yearn that I would quickly get married and have children. As I become older and older, this is just a mission impossible. 

There are people who choose to be single forever, and they value freedom more than everything. Some people believe they would meet their Mr. Right or Miss Right. Thus, without such a person, they would rather to be single. How they know they have met such a person? How they confirm that someone is the one? If they are with someone already, then the real someone appears, would they separate with the initial one and be with the real someone?  Of course, this is their choice, and I shouldn't comment much. 

For myself, I never look for my Miss Right, just someone whom I love and she loves me back, and we could accept one another weaknesses. Of course, I wish I would have children too. If my partner is unable to give birth to children, or I myself have problems in having children, then I would go adopt some children as our own children. However, if I cannot find a wife, then I would not adopt a kid. 

There would be one day, that I must live by myself alone. It's definitely okay to be alone. I'm learning how to have an abundant life without a girlfriend or wife.   

Wednesday, July 27, 2022



是自己过于敏感吗?早餐的时候,大家都会坐在一起。当我询问某个位置是否有人坐时,若他们坦然接受我的加入,应该会不假思索简单回答:“坐下吧!” 可是他们在那里思考着这位置会是某某人坐的,那个位置又是另一个某某人坐的。为了不让他们苦恼,我选了另一张较远的桌子,远离了大家。只是这一次吧。我也这样安慰自己。过后在游艇上的晚餐,我和一位同事在一起。那同事一看到他们,即刻前往那里坐了下来,那最后一个位置,仿佛是特地留给他的。在服务员的协助下,寄人篱下似的坐在一群女同事当中。




For these 2 years of pandemic, some people age quickly but some people stay the same. In majority, people do age faster within these 2 years. And also, due to lockout, lots of people have increased their weights. 

What is time? Does time really exist? This can go deeply. For an easy example, two people with the same age, one must be younger than another one. How come time flows slower on him but faster on her? No one can give us a satisfied answer. It does seems time moves differently on all people.

In this world, we may observe the physical parts. Everything which can be seen, heard, smelt, tasted and sensed. However, we should never forget there is another part inside us. The part we may simply ignore but actually it's more important than the physical world. Please do not get me wrong, I never mean the spiritual world. 

What do I mean is the world inside of us, the world formed in us and affects how we see the world. Either a glass is half full or half empty is defined by the world inside us. Yes, I'm talking about perspective. Of course, we should never give up in shaping a better world. When we feel tired, and want to rest for a while, then we must have a much better internal world. 

In a fast moving external world, we may keep on chasing, always reach higher and higher. There must be time that we want to slow down or totally stop for a while. During such a moment, we may rest without feeling guilty. 

Does this relevant to bipolar disorder? Yes, it is. As for me, I did feel guilty whenever I must take a rest. Bipolar disorder people are hardworking people who never want to stop. 

Thursday, June 30, 2022






Tuesday, June 28, 2022


It's time to write a blog for this. It's really tiring to work and study at the same time. Of course, I prefer study than work, but I need to work for surviving. Thus, working full-time and studying part-time is my only choice. 

Hardworking can always make things better. However, it can never bring me towards perfect. I may exercise regularly, eat healthily, study the best I could, but all these will never make me a perfect guy. Used to be a perfectionist till I'd diagnosed of having such a mental illness. Tried to deny such a fact, and assumed I was totally fine without medication. After that, I experienced more damages. 

Hence, it's a definite no for being a perfectionist. But hey, life is much better without striving for perfection! How come? Perfection is a high standard, and no one knows how high it can go. We could never reach it because no matter how good we have done, we would think that we could do it slightly better. That's too pathetic. 

Without perfection, I just stop doing something when feeling that I want to take a break. While reading, simply lie down and rest when the head is going numb. Keep reminding myself that I can never understand every single thing. In fact, try to understand as much as possible. Whatever the results, accept it without self cricticising.  

Yes, we have done our best, and it's really more than enough. Even if we never really try our best, as long as we have tried, all the little efforts are still precious.